Kosteletzkya virginica
Sea Shore Mallow
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Shop Available KosteletzkyaItem #: 792
Zones: 5a to 10b
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 60" tall
Origin: United States
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Named for the Bohemian botanist V.F. Kosteletzky, this fabulous, upright native (Virginia to Mississippi) perennial mallow, similar to lavatera, emerges from dormancy in late spring and the thick stems quickly zoom to 5' tall. Each stem is clothed with fuzzy, light green, hibiscus-like leaves. From midsummer through fall, sea shore mallow is clothed with hundreds of 2" clear pink hibiscus-like flowers. Sea shore mallow will grow equally as well in brackish swampy conditions, shallow standing water, or in regular garden soil...a past honoree as the NC Wildflower of the Year!
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Other Attributes
Genus: Kosteletzkya
Other: Butterfly Attracting Plants , Rain Garden Plants , United States Native Plants