Hymenocallis caribaea 'Superstar'

Superstar Spider Lily

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Item #: 7916

Zones: 7b to 10b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 40" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Caribbean

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Hymenocallis 'Superstar' is a 2009 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction of a plant we received in a shipment of "Mexican mixed crinums" from south of the border, so imagine our surprise when one turned out to be a form of Hymenocallis caribaea. When compared to Hymenocallis 'Tropical Giant', the 40" long leaves are much glossier and darker green, measuring about 2.75" wide, compared to 2" for Hymenocallis 'Tropical Giant'. The 3' wide clumps of Hymenocallis 'Superstar' are topped with stalks of huge spider-like white flowers that measure nearly 1' from tip to tip, held just above the foliage in summer. Moist to slightly moist soils are best.