Heuchera villosa 'Bronze Wave'
Hairy Coral Bells
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Item #: 7090
Zones: 3a to 8b
Dormancy: Evergreen
Height: 18" tall
Origin: United States
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
This 2001 Primrose Path introduction is a superb selection of the US native (NY south to AL), H. villosa f. purpurea. Each massive 18" tall x 2' wide clump is composed of very hairy, large, 8" wide, dark bronze leaves with a contrasting purple back. In late summer, the 2' tall flower spikes are laden with small whitish-pink flowers. This is not a seed strain, as has been the case in the past with most purple leaf forms of H. villosa.

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