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Dryopteris bissetiana 'Sichuan Splendor'

Sichuan Splendor Bisset's Wood Fern

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Item #: 6751

Zones: 5a to 9b, guessing

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 12" tall

Culture: Light Shade

Origin: China

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Dryopteris bissetiana 'Sichuan Splendor' is an attractive deer-resistant wood fern from a Yucca Do expedition to Sichuan, China, where this gem was found at 4,000' elevation in Sichuan's Tao Yuan. Dryopteris bissetiana 'Sichuan Splendor' makes an attractive, easy-to-grow, 1' tall x 2' wide evergreen clump. The impressed spores on the back of the frond give the top a very interesting beaded look. Here's where the problem of plant exploration gets dicey...the Flora of China section on ferns wasn't published yet, and none of our Chinese books lists Dryopteris bissetiana 'Sichuan Splendor'. In appearance, it resembles a smaller Dryopteris indusiata. Our supply of this is very limited.