Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Lights'
Striped Tufted Hair Grass
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Item #: 3023
Zones: 3a to 7b
Dormancy: Evergreen
Height: 20" tall
Origin: Europe, United States
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
This stunning new form of tufted hair grass from the folks at Bluebird Nursery is one of the most striking new plants we have grown. Each 1' long grass blade on this tight mound is striped with green and white. In spring and fall when the nights cool, the entire clump takes on a dazzling pink tinge. The clump of wonderful foliage is topped with 3' tan plumes in late spring...a superb addition to a small garden, especially in a moist woodland site.
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Other Attributes
Genus: Deschampsia
Other: United States Native Plants