Cyclamen x hildebrandii
Hildebrand's Hardy Cyclamen
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Shop Available CyclamenItem #: 7665
Zones: 7a to 8b, at least
Dormancy: Spring, Summer
Height: 6" tall
Origin: Hybrid
Pot Size: 2.5" pot (7.9 fl. oz/233 ml)
Cyclamen x hildebrandii is a hybrid of the popular Cyclamen hederifolium and the much less known Cyclamen africanum. The result is what appears to be a Cyclamen hederifolium on steroids. The mottled leaves of Cyclamen x hildebrandii are larger than Cyclamen hederifolium, although the flowers and overall appearance are similar. If anything, Cyclamen africanum seems to add a bit of heat tolerance to the hybrid. Like Cyclamen hederifolium, Cyclamen x hildebrandii starts flowering for us in mid-August with 6" tall stalks of purple, dodecatheon-like, nodding flowers. The flowers continue until Christmas and are joined by the lovely silver mottled foliage in November. The key to success is to keep cyclamen dry during the summer months.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Cyclamen
Flower Color: Pink
Leaf Color: Green , Variegated
Container Role: Fillers
Garden Themes: Fairy Garden Plants , Gnome Gardens , Rock Garden Plants , Southwest Garden Plants
Other: Deer Resistant Plants , Drought Tolerant Plants , Dry Shade Plants , Pollinator Plants , Medicinal Plants , Ornamental Seed or Fruit , Rabbit Resistant Plants , Xeriscaping Plants , Colored Foliage , Patterned Foliage