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Crinum lugardiae 'White Dove'

White Dove Crinum Lily

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Item #: 11997

Zones: 7b to 10b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: South Africa

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

(aka: Crinum lugardiae PDN008) If you think crinums are too large and gawky, then we've got a crinum for you. Crinum 'White Dove' is an incredible selection of the dwarf South African Crinum lugardiae. This small growing clump forms a 1' tall x 3' wide clump of narrow glossy green leaves, topped, starting in early August and continuing into late September with up to 13, 2' tall stalks, each terminating in 8-9, lightly fragrant, pure white, narrow-petalled flowers. A mature clump of Crinum 'White Dove' has over 100 flowers open at the same time...unheard of in the crinum world...truly an amazing floral show.