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Crinum 'Improved Peach Blow'

Improved Peach Blow Crinum Lily

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Item #: 8026

Zones: 7a to 10b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 48" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Although it sounds like a fruity drug cocktail, Crinum 'Improved Peach Blow' is actually a Pat Malcolm hybrid of Crinum erubescens x Crinum album. The 4' tall sturdy stalks are topped, starting in mid-June and reblooming into late September (NC), with 12-15 large outfacing flowers per stalk, possessing an intoxicating fragrance (gardeners under 18 must be supervised). The carmine buds open white, then take on a light pink blush toward the end of the petals, which are complemented nicely by the pink petal backs. In form, it is similar to Crinum 'Mrs. James Hendry', Crinum 'Jubilee' and, of course, the original Crinum 'Peach Blow' but with sturdier flower scapes. Crinum 'Improved Peach Blow' is still extremely rare and our quantities are quite limited.