Colocasia esculenta 'Pink China'
Elephant Ear
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Item #: 7586
Zones: 7a to 10b, possibly colder
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 48" tall
Origin: Asia, Hybrid
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
This introduction from Kentucky's Brian Williams is the hardiest elephant ear in his trials, with tubers left on top of the ground surviving outdoors in Kentucky. We have heard unverified reports of hardiness in warmer Zone 5, but we'll believe it when we see temperature documentation. Regardless of the hardiness, C. 'Pink China' makes an attractive 4' tall clump that spreads rapidly by rhizomes to create a large patch. The green leaves are held atop mauvy-pink stems.
Other Attributes
Genus: Colocasia
Other: Edimentals , Groundcovers , Plants Named After Animals