Bulbine abyssinica Tiffindell Form
Ethiopian Bulbine
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Shop Available BulbineItem #: 7723
Zones: 7b to 10b, guessing
Height: 20" tall
Origin: South Africa
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
(aka Bulbine A1SA-097) I had grown a few bulbines, but after seeing them in the wild in 2005, I gained a much greater respect for both their flowering potential and toughness. Bulbine abyssinica occurs on rocky, well-drained grasslands throughout the Eastern Cape, Lesotho, and Ethiopia where it was originally discovered. The clumps of 1' long, soft green foliage resemble a rain lily until they burst into flower in spring with 20" tall spikes consisting of small bright yellow flowers. If that's not enough, bulbine can be used to treat dysentery and cracked lips...the ones on your mouth. I recommend dividing the clumps when they become crowded. This offering is from 8,000' elevation near South Africa's Tiffendell Ski Resort.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Bulbine
Other: Xeriscaping Plants