Bromus inermis 'Skinner's Gold'
Smooth Brome Grass
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Item #: 4226
Zones: 6a to 8b
Height: 20" tall
Origin: Asia, Europe
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Occasionally, a wonderful plant sneaks into the trade without any fanfare, leaving you to wonder how you missed hearing about such a gem. Such is the case with Bromus 'Skinner's Gold'. This amazing grass makes a 2' wide x 20" tall clump, composed of dramatic green and golden vertically striped a golden appearance from a distance. In July, when the clump flowers, the 2' tall plumes are also exquisitely painted with gold and green stripes. For us, this has been particularly well behaved, although personal communication from gardeners in coastal Oregon indicate that it becomes more rambunctious in that climate. Normal to slightly moist soils seem to produce the best results. I think you will love this new grass!
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Genus: Bromus