Amorphophallus harmandii 'Lop Buri'
Harmand's Voodoo Lily
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Shop Available AmorphophallusItem #: 7427
Zones: Tropical
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 24" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: Thailand
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
(Amorphophallus harmandii AGA-805) This Alan Galloway collection of Amorphophallus harmandii comes from Lop Buri, Thailand. Amorphophallus harmandii 'Lop Buri' is taller than the other forms we grow, with petioles that reach 2' tall. Additionally the leaves are glaucous, compared to the more typical green. This is not the same species as Pseudodracontium harmandii, which we feel is mistakenly combined with the genus amorphophallus.

Other Attributes
Genus: Amorphophallus
Flower Color: White/Cream
Leaf Color: Green
Container Role: Thrillers
Other: Deer Resistant Plants , Dry Shade Plants , Fragrant Flowers , Pollinator Plants , Ornamental Seed or Fruit , Plant Delights Introductions , Tropical Looking Plants