Alcea sp. Giant
Giant Hollyhock
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Shop Available AlceaItem #: 4034
Zones: 3a to 8a, guessing
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 84" tall
Origin: Turkey
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
We grow many plants from seed, most of which are horticultural duds, but occasionally a great new plant comes out of our trials. Such is the case with this Mojmir Pavelka collection of an unidentified species of hollyhock from the rocky slopes of western Turkey. Discovered just above the Mediterranean Sea at 1,600' elevation in Bog Dag, it resembles a typical hollyhock in form. The stems reach 7'+ by early summer from a winter rosette. The top half of the stems are laden in summer with 4" creamy to wine-red flowers. This giant is sure to be a favorite in the back of the border where height is truly appreciated.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Alcea
Other: Butterfly Attracting Plants