Tony Avent Biography
SPOUSE: Anita J. Avent
FELINE FAMILY: Jasper, Henry, Kit Kat, Jake and Elwood
EDUCATION: B.S. NC State, Horticultural Science - 1978
OCCUPATION: Plantsman and Proprietor
1986 to Present Day
- Proprietor, Plant Delights Nursery, Inc., retail mail-order rare, unusual, and native perennial plants
- Founder, Juniper Level Botanical Garden (27,000 + unique plant accessions, as of 7/1/2023)
- International Plant Explorer (Mexico-1994; China-1996; Korea-1997; Argentina-2002; South Africa-2005; Thailand-2005; Taiwan-2008, Crete-2010; Bosnia-2012; Croatia-2012; Montenegro - 2012; Slovenia-2012; Vietnam-2005 + 88 domestic plant expeditions in the US since 1994)
- Hybridizer: Hostas, Rare Bulbs, Hardy Aroids, Baptisia, Mahonia, and Polygonatum
- Freelance Garden Writer
- International Garden Lecturer (837 lectures since 1987) as of 4/1/2021
- Plant Auctioneer
- Landscape Director, NC State Fairgrounds
- Volunteer Curator - Shade House, NC State Arboretum
- Weekly Garden Columnist - The News & Observer, Raleigh
- Monthly Garden Columnist - Walter Magazine, Raleigh
2017-2022 Contributing Editor, Fine Gardening magazine
2006-2010 Woody Plant Advisory Committee - JC Raulston Arboretum
2004-2009 Advisory Committee - USDA-ARS Hardiness Zone Map Revision
2001 Invited Participant at St. Louis Summit (Workshop on Linking Ecology and Horticulture to Prevent Plant Invasions)
2001-2009 North Carolina Department of Agriculture Rare Plant Conservation Scientific Committee (Appointed 2001)
2002-2008 Contributing Editor, Horticulture magazine
- Ruby McSwain Award, National Agricultural Alumni Development Association - 2023
Don Shadow Award of Excellence, Southern Nursery Association - 2019
Distinguished Alumni, NC State University College of Ag and Life Sciences - 2018Millstream Award for Outstanding Gardens/ North American Rock Garden Society - 2017
- Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hosta Hybridizer Merit Award/ American Hosta Society - 2015
- Award of Merit – Perennial Plant Association - 2013
- J.C. Raulston Distinguished Leadership Award, NC State University - 2012
- Retail Award/ Perennial Plant Association - 2011
- Certificate of Recognition - Garden Writers of America - 2009
- Paul Eckes Jr. Commercial Award - Individual/ American Horticulture Society - 2002
- D.H. Copeland /NC Association of Nurserymen Award - 2002
- Robert Balentine Horticulture Award/ Southeastern Flower Show - 2001
- Marcel LePiniec Award / North American Rock Garden Society - 1999
- Nursery Innovator of the Month Award - GM Pro Magazine - 1998
- Outstanding Alumni Award/ NC State Dept. of Horticultural Science - 1997
- NC Nurserymen Award for Landscape/Beautification of NC State Fairgrounds 1990
- Outstanding Journalism Award / Men's Garden Club of America 1986, 1987, 1988
- Outstanding Senior, NC State Dept. of Horticulture - 1978
- Almanac Gardener with Mike Gray (NC Public Television) - numerous since 1994
- Coastal Gardener with Dave Egbert (Network) - 2008
- Cultivating Life with Sean Conway, Aspidistra, Ferns (PBS) - 2006
- Cultivating Life with Sean Conway (PBS) - 2008
- Gardener’s Diary with Erica Glasener (HGTV) - winter 2002/3
- Gardener’s Journal with Kathy Renwald (HGTV) - 2002
- In The Garden with Bryce Lane (NC Public Television) - 2007
- Martha Stewart Living, Nursery Segment (HGTV) - February 2004
- Martha Stewart Living, Propagation Segment (HGTV) - February 2004
- Martha Stewart Living, Hardy Arailaceae Segment (HGTV) - February 2004
- Martha Stewart Living, Extreme Propagation (NBC) - February 2007
- Martha Stewart Living, New Plants (NBC) - March 2008
- Rebecca’s Garden with Rebecca Kolls (Hearst Broadcasting) - 1997
- The Winter Garden Series (HGTV) - 1999
- The Secret Garden Series (HGTV) - Spring 2001
- Beautiful Madness by James Dodson, 2006
- The Collector’s Garden Book by Ken Druse, 1996
- The Plant Hunter’s Garden by Bobby Ward, Fall 2004
- Heroes of Horticulture by Barbara Paul Robinson, 2018
- Beautiful Madness by James Dodson, 2006
- The Plant Hunter’s Garden by Bobby Ward, Fall 2004
- The Collector’s Garden by Ken Druse, 1996
- The Roots of My Obsession(one chapter) - Timber Press, 2012
- So You Want to Start a Nursery - Timber Press, 2003
- My Favorite Plant (one chapter) - compiled by Jamaica Kincaid, 1998
Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Garden
9241 Sauls Road, Raleigh, NC 27603