Schedule a Presentation

  1. Check the Pricing Structure and Program Requirements.
  2. Decide on a date and either call 919-772-4794 or email Talks are usually booked at least 1-2 years in advance, unless one can be added to an existing scheduled trip.
  3. Consult the List of Topics.
  4. Review the Host Etiquette and follow the instructions contained in it.

Pricing Structure and Program Requirements

Lecture Fees: (rates effective for bookings after 7/1/2019)

  • $ 1500 per Zoom on-line presentation
  • $ 2000 per presentation (no overnight stay required)
  • $ 1000 per additional presentation at same event (no overnight stay required)
  • $ 2500 per presentation (one night stay required)
  • $ 1250 per additional presentation at same event (same one night stay required)
  • $ 3000 per presentation (two nights stay required)
  • $ 1500 per additional presentation (two nights stay required)

Travel Requirements


  • Actual coach-class plane fare (Jets only - no turbo-props) - we will book thru local AAA office (will work to find lowest cost/appropriate schedule)
  • Non-stop flights will always be used when available and reasonably priced
  • Flights should not return back to Raleigh later than 11pm EST
  • Airport transportation - cost of getting to and from airport or long term parking fee (maximum around $60)
  • Vehicle rental - Any vehicle rental cost incurred in transportation during visit


  • Mileage reimbursement at federal rate per mile + toll charges

Taxi or Shuttle

  • Actual cost + gratuity


  • Actual cost of meals during trip

Business Hotel

  • Actual costs, sorry but homes and b&b's are no longer acceptable
  • Minimum requirements include desk w/free Internet hookup (high speed wireless, preferable)
  • Internet charges if not free will be reimbursable
  • Cable tv


  • Actual costs

General Program Topics

Design Talks

  • Color in the Landscape - year round, or variations thereof
  • Designing a Woodland Garden
  • Landscaping in Drifts of One (Residential Design for Plant Collectors)- A focus on plant combinations
  • The Garden, Seasonal - spring, summer, winter, or fall

Miscellaneous Topics

  • A Celebration of Eccentricities - Famous Plant People and Their Plants
  • Invasive Plants - a Horticultural Perspective
  • It's the Soil, Stupid - The Wonderful and Misunderstood World of Soil
  • History/Development of the NC State Fair Landscape/Flower Show
  • History and Development of Plant Delights Nursery/Juniper Level Botanic Garden


  • Big, Bold, and Bodacious - using "hardy" tropicals for the garden
  • Garden Plants from Mars - a look at hardy aroids, with an emphasis on arisaemas
  • Hostas (topics include breeding, growing, etc)
  • Mow No Mo - The World of Ornamental Grasses
  • My Favorite 100...Perennials I Wouldn't Garden Without
  • Perennials for a particular region or hardiness zone
  • Perennials for Seasonal Interest - winter, spring, summer, or fall
  • Perennials for Shade or Sun
  • Perennials, Native (sun, shade, or combination)
  • Perennials - What's New and Exciting, Overlooked - variations thereof

Plant Exploration

  • Exploration to Exploitation - How plants make their way from the wild to market
  • Plant Exploration in Argentina
  • Plant Exploration in China
  • Plant Exploration in Crete
  • Plant Exploration in Korea
  • Plant Exploration in Mexico
  • Plant Exploration in the USA
  • Plant Exploration in North Vietnam/Thailand
  • Plant Exploration in South Africa
  • Plant Exploration in Taiwan

Specific Nursery Industry Topics

  • Alternative Marketing Strategies for nurseries
  • Developing a Mail Order Nursery
  • Developing a Public Garden - An Alternative Approach (NC State Fairgrounds Landscaping)
  • Forget the Nuts and Bolts - Re-examining and Renovating Your Nursery Business
  • Getting Customers Excited about Plants
  • So You Want to Start a Nursery

*Any non-industry topic from list above can also be adapted to industry groups

Other Requirements

The following are designed to ensure a top quality program for both the speaker and the members of the audience. Please understand that these are NOT suggestions, but requirements for presentation to proceed.

  • Digital projector with a resolution of 1024 x 768 (spare projector bulb)
  • Laptop computer with a resolution set to 1024 x 768 (must be synchronized with the projector)
  • (Program will be brought on a thumb drive, formatted on a PC)
  • Wireless projector advance remote that will work from the podium and allow mobility (it is not acceptable to change images at the computer)(spare batteries are required)
  • Moveable microphone or lapel microphone (spare batteries are required)
  • Projection screen at least 6' x 6' absolute minimum for small room, 10' x 10' minimum for large room, preferably larger
  • Completely darkened room for slide show - anything else is unacceptable! (If you can read in the room near the screen, it is unacceptable!)
  • Transportation to and from talks/dinners by non alcoholic consuming designated driver
  • Please consult on food selection, non-alcoholic drink for all limited choice dinner parties