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More Information About Eleocharis
Eleocharis is a genus of 150 species of sedges that can be found all over the world, primarily in moist locations. Members of this genus produce round stems instead of the usual flat or v-shaped leaves found in other grasses and sedges. Although the genus Eleocharis is most widely known ornamentally as an aquarium plant (E. vivipara) and agriculturally for the crunchy rhizome used in Chinese food (water chestnut; E. dulcis) we have selected certain Eleocharis species for their use in the garden.
Eleocharis forms a grass-like mat of foliage that, depending on the species, may be loosely or tightly packed and may vary in height from just a few inches up to 3' or so. Although the genus is primarily a marginal aquatic plant suitable for use in a bog garden or on the edge of a water feature, there are a few mesic species of Eleocharis that will be happy in typical garden soil. The fine grass-like stems of Eleocharis are topped by small, cute brown spikelets (the sedge version of a grass flower/seed head). Every now and then, you'll run across a taxonomic outlier who prefers to call this genus Heleocharis instead of Eleocharis. The fine textured grass-like foliage of Eleocharis pairs well with the smaller colocasia selections, Sabatia, and Sarracenia. When you are ready to buy Eleocharis for your garden, check out our online list of Eleocharis for sale.