Cheilanthes ferns are drought-tolerant and very tough. Cheilanthes are great ferns for containers, rock gardens, tucked into stone wall crevices and are excellent small specimen plants.

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More Information About Cheilanthes

Cheilanthes are one of several genera of delightful, small, dry-land, deer-resistant ferns that grow in full sun. Cheilanthes species are native throughout the world. The native American Cheilanthes species range from coast to coast (including North Carolina) in the cracks of alkaline rocks. Many of the desert cheilanthes species that we have tried have thrived in our well-drained beds...another excuse to build a rock garden. As our specimens produce spores, we'll be able to offer more Cheilanthes ferns for sale.

Cheilanthes belongs to a class of ferns called "sun ferns". Plants in this group are unlike the typical shade-loving, soil-dwelling ferns we are all know. The sun ferns live on rock outcroppings in exposed sites. As you might expect, Cheilanthes ferns are drought-tolerant and very tough. Cheilanthes are great ferns for containers, rock gardens, tucked into stone wall crevices and are excellent small specimen plants. When you are ready to buy cheilanthes for your garden, check out our online list of cheilanthes for sale.