Juniperus pingii

Ping's Juniper

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Item #: 10295

Zones: 6a to 8a, at least

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 240" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: China

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $35.00
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Juniperus pingii is a wonderfully ornamental juniper that hails from a small region at 8,500' to 12,500' elevation in Northwest Yunnan/Southern Sichuan, China. Although it eventually reaches 90' in the wild, we have seen 20 year old garden plants that barely reach 8' tall in warm climates and 20' tall in cool summer climates. The lush foliage and pendant branch tips, create a splendidly architectural specimen. Taxonomically, it is sadly confused with Juniperus squamata var. wilsonii, which is a completely different plant.