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Angelica dahurica

Chinese Angelica, Bai Zhi

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Item #: 7102

Zones: 4a to 7b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 72" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Siberia Russia, Taiwan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Simply stunning! Angelica dahurica is a widely-cultivated, short-lived perennial herb found natively in moist grasslands and streamsides from 1,500'-3,000' elevation throughout its range in China, Mongolia, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Russia, and Siberia. Angelica dahurica forms a bold-textured, winter evergreen/summer dormant rosette of aromatic foliage, topped, starting for us in early June with a massive 6' tall purple stalk, terminating in an insect pollinator haven of branched panicles that hold dozens of large, white, Queen Anne's lace-like flower heads. The roots of Angelica dahurica (Du Huo/Bai Zhi) have been used medicinally since 400 B.C. to cure head and body aches, blood toxicities, as a laxative/purgative, sedative, a remedy for swollen gums and toothaches, and as a topical anti-fungal cream...and the seeds are used as a culinary liqueur flavoring. Do you really not have one yet? In moist, richly organic soils expect flowers in year two.