Lycoris x squamigera
Nekkid Ladies Surprise Lily
Item #: 177
Zones: 4a to 8a, probably colder
Dormancy: Summer
Height: 24" tall
Origin: Hybrid, Japan
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Lycoris x squamigera is the most well-known and easiest-to-grow of the surprise lilies, but one whose background is mysterious since it has never been seen in the wild. Recent DNA work shows it is a sterile hybrid between Lycoris sprengeri and Lycoris longituba. The robust, 24" tall, "nekkid" scapes emerge from dormancy in late summer, topped with large, clear pink, outward-facing flowers. Lycoris x squamigera is great mixed into the border for a summer change or naturalized in the deciduous woodland garden. After flowering, the grey-green, strap-like foliage emerges to produce energy for next year's flowers. Lycoris x squamigera is a long-lived and durable deer-resistant bulb for a wide range of garden soils and sites. Lycoris x squamigera does require a cold winter to flower, so don't bother planting this in the Deep South unless you enjoy it for the foliage. Conversely, if you're growing something labeled "Amaryllis belladonna" north of Zone 8, change your tags.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Lycoris
Flower Color: Multicolor , Pink
Bloom Time: Summer
Container Role: Fillers
Garden Themes: Cottage Garden Plants , Night Gardens , Rock Garden Plants , Southwest Garden Plants
Other: Butterfly Attracting Plants , Edimentals , Cut Flower Plants , Deer Resistant Plants , Drought Tolerant Plants , Dry Shade Plants , Pollinator Plants , Medicinal Plants , Plants from Japan , Plants Named After Animals , Rain Garden Plants , Xeriscaping Plants