The Best New Plants Online

The Best New Plants Online

By Published August 27, 2015 Updated June 27, 2022

Welcome to Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We are a private research and display botanic garden located near Raleigh, North Carolina (USDA Hardiness Zone 7b). Our retail mail order division allows us to make the best perennials from our trials available to gardeners around the world, some of which were developed here, some from our plant explorations, and others from breeders around the world. Between 1988 and 2010, Plant Delights Nursery introduced over 500 new perennial plants to US horticulture. In 2002, we were honored to be recognized by the American Horticulture Society for our lifetime of work in commercial horticulture. This image gallery is but a sampling of the great perennial plants available for gardeners around the world. We do not carry all plants pictured at any one time, but since our mission is to educate and inspire, we hope these images and the linked articles below will expand your garden horizons and interest. You will find an array of other interesting information and fascinating perennials throughout our website...thank you for taking time to visit.

Every year breeders produce new plants for gardeners. How can one keep up with new introductions? A convenient way is shopping for plants online. A plant shop online will have the most up-to-date information about any new plants they are offering. A plant shop online often contains a wealth of cultural information about growing perennials and other garden plants, with suggestions for companion plants. Online garden plants websites can tell you about the new plants bred to perform better in heat and humidity so that gardeners in southern climates can enjoy perennials that could once only thrive in cooler temperatures. A plant shop online may also provide search features to help you find new plants with specific traits -- such as sun-lovers or perennials for shade.

Shopping for plants online is the best way to find new plants bred for unique, exciting colors. New plants such as the sun-loving echinacea (coneflower) now bloom in a wide range of colors. Perennials for shade, such as heuchera, now come in a stunning range of foliage colors, adding excitement to woodland areas. For the sun lovers out there, check out our agave plants for sale or maybe an alstroemeria to add a bit of summer color.

Why should you order new plants from a plant shop online? Shopping for plants online allows the convenience of ordering from your home computer -- no running around from store to store trying to locate a cultivar recently featured in your favorite garden magazine or TV gardening show. Online garden plants purchases can be directly delivered to your door, and in no time you'll be planting your new ornamental grasses, variegated spotlight plants, or perennials for shade.

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