Dasylirion, also known as sotol plants, are little-known, easy-to-grow yucca relatives that are among the most beautiful natives of the Southwest US and northern Mexico.

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More Information About Dasylirion

Dasylirion, also known as sotol plants, are little-known, easy-to-grow yucca relatives that are among the most beautiful natives of the Southwest US and northern Mexico. Their structural form, wonderful foliage colors, heat and drought tolerance, and surprising hardiness make dasylirion a great choice for blending into a variety of garden settings. Like the agaves, some of our dasylirion offerings are from wild-collected seed sources. Unlike agaves, dasylirions don't die after flowering.

Like many high altitude desert plants, dasylirion tolerates our cold winters as long as the soil is kept relatively dry. We recommend a raised bed for your sotol plant so that water drains freely. Dasylirion leaves are similar to narrow Yucca and Bear Grass leaves except that sotol plants have has spines along the edge of the leaf, not the tip. Sotol plant leaves are generally green but some species such as Dasylirion wheeleri, Dasylirion berlandieri, and Dasylirion glaucophyllum have bluish leaves. Not surprisingly, the spiny sotol plants are deer-resistant. Dasylirion plants produce tan flower spikes that add a nice vertical component to the garden. When you are ready to buy dasylirion (sotol plant) for your sun garden, check out our list of dasylirion for sale.