Create a Woodland Garden with Flowers for Shade Plants like Hostas

Create a Woodland Garden with Flowers for Shade Plants like Hostas

By Published November 27, 2018 Updated June 27, 2022

Do you have wooded or shaded areas in your yard? Does it look somewhere witches and werewolves might call home? Unless you’re going for a haunted garden you can brighten up your shade with colorful shade plants. There is a wide selection of flowers for shade you can use to turn your woodland garden from Grimms fairytales to Mothergooses rhymes, though both are better than the Tales of the Bulldozer horror stories many new homeowners are left with. Turning your shade into a vibrant woodland garden with colorful shade plants doesn’t have to be a horror story. Plant Delights Nursery has a diverse selection of flowers for shade to create or improve a woodland garden.

Some of the best colorful shade plants for the woodland garden are the Hostas. These great plants come in a library’s worth of shapes, sizes, and patterns, with colorful names to match, like ‘Church mouse’, ‘Dragon tails’, ‘Rainbows end’ and ‘Unsung Hero’. Not only do hosta leaves add great accent to the woodland garden, but these colorful shade plants produce lovely and often overlooked flowers for shade, typically lavender or white.

Another magical group of colorful shade plants for the garden are the Fairy wings, or Epimediums. With wing shaped leaves and dainty brightly colored flowers these aptly named flowers for shade seem to come straight out of a fairytale. With a wide range of color and varieties to choose from your woodland garden will look like a fairy gathering in on time. Even if your shade is dry and desolate you can still brighten it with colorful fairy wings, since they like dry shade.

Bleeding hearts and the other members of dicentra make lovely flowers for shade. Enchanting heart shaped flowers, in shades from white to red and even yellow, can add a fairytale feel to any garden. Make your own garden story and turn your shade garden into a woodland fairy land by choosing from the colorful selection of shade perennials at Plant Delights Nursery.

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