Where to Buy Rare Plants

Where to Buy Rare Plants

By Published November 05, 2016 Updated July 05, 2022

We all have a little bit of collector in us. Who doesn't want to have the rare and little known? For the gardener that has a little collector or explorer in them (or a lot), rare plants are a great way to express your inner adventurer, and show off to your friends. You don't even have to wear a monocle, or a fedora and whip; but we don't see a good reason why you wouldn't. You don't have to own a botanical garden to grow rare plants, but if you do, great. Nor do you need connections in the plant world or the black market for that matter. To obtain rare plantsyou can just order plants online. No need to trek through Vietnam, you can just order plants online.

Plant Delights Nursery and our rare plant network have trekked through Vietnam for you. You can order plants online through us. We research, explore, and buy plants from all over the world, so we have a large selection of hard to find and rare plants. We have one of the largest selections of the rare and underutilized genus of amorphophallus, better known as corpse flowers or voodoo lilies. Many are discovered from the deeps of tropical asia by a friend of the nursery and then propagated for sale. These are just one group of rare plants, we have many that are little known and hard to find.

It's illegal to dig up endangered plants from the wild and unsustainable for the plants, no matter how tempting it might be to own such plants. That does not mean you can't find them. Instead you can buy some of them from nurseries who nursery propagate them and are allowed to sell them. We have an entire section of nursery propagated plants under endangered plants for sale, where you can order plants that are threatened or endangered species or varieties from around the world.

Other plants may be rare because they are newly discovered or simply little known in the horticulture trade. Our mission is to link horticulture and botany together, and we obtain plants from plant explorers, botanical gardens, scientists, and nurseries from all over the world to find rare and little used plants. We even explore ourselves. We are your best source for hard to find plants.

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