Invite Butterflies To Your Backyard With Butterfly Bushes

Invite Butterflies To Your Backyard With Butterfly Bushes

By Published September 14, 2014 Updated June 14, 2022

Virtually everyone loves butterflies. The way they flutter erratically from bush to flower and back, seemingly unconcerned if humans happen to be in the vicinity. Butterflies are often delightfully colored and have the power to brighten up even the sunniest of days. There are plants that are renowned for being alluring to butterflies. They are called butterfly bushes and we have a nice selection available online at Plant Delights Nursery.

The butterfly bush is a plant that produces exquisite flowers and fragrances that have a remarkable effect on butterflies as well as people. They are somewhat irresistible. When you plant them, you will have a backyard filled with butterflies all summer long. Since this particular bush is a perennial you will have the added benefit of its coming back each season, just like the butterflies – what an ideal combination for adding color to your landscaping! If you are wondering how to build a butterfly garden, we have plenty of resources to help you design one that will keep the butterflies and hummingbirds coming back year after year.

You can conveniently order butterfly bushes online at Plant Delights Nursery. We will be happy to provide information on planting and caring for your purchases. If you would like more information about the wide variety of perennials that we have for sale, we encourage you to browse through our online catalog. You will be pleased at the number of plant offerings we have available. If butterflies entertain you, then here is your opportunity to invite them to your backyard.

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