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More Information About Sinvana

x Sinvana is a sterile intergeneric hybrid between the yellow-flowered Sinningia conspicua and the lavender-flowered Paliavana tenuiflora made in 2006 by Dr. Jon Lindstrom of the University of Arkansas. In 2009 the cultivar x Sinvana 'Mount Magazine' won a blue ribbon at the Gensneriad Society annual convention, so this cross has to be pretty special. x Sinvana is a low growing, shrubby perennial with wide leaves that produces fragrant clusters of flowers from summer to fall. x Sinvana selections have produced white, pink, and apricot flowers, usually with a lavender spotted throat. If you are a gesneriad junkie, then x Sinvana is for you. x Sinvana prefers conditions similar to Sinningia...full sun, well-drained soils, and average amounts of water. When you are ready to buy x Sinvana for your garden, check out our online list of x Sinvana for sale.