The genus Thymus is a charming, evergreen, groundcover with fragrant foliage and small flowers that are great at attracting butterflies and other insects to the garden.

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More Information About Thymus

The genus Thymus is a charming, evergreen ground cover with fragrant foliage and small flowers that are great at attracting butterflies and other insects to the garden. If you are a cook, you are probably most familiar with the species Thymus vulgaris (culinary thyme), but there are plenty of other species and interspecific hybrids for gardeners to grow.

Thymus leaves can be intensely fragrant and the fragrances vary widely from savory to lemony to lavender or rye. Thymus is definitely a plant that should be grown where it will be smelled. Its low-growing, carpet-like habit makes Thymus great for container plants (as a filler), rock garden plants, or edging plants along a path and between stepping stones where the occasional misstep will release its wonderful odor into the air. Thymus prefers well-drained loose or sandy soil and it is quite drought-tolerant. The thin wiry branches can get overly woody and bare with time, but periodic haircuts will keep Thymus plants filled-in with fresh new growth. When you're ready to buy Thymus for your perennial garden, we hope you'll check out our online list of Thymus for sale.