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Oenothera 'Shimmer' PP 19,663

Evening Primrose, Sundrop

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Item #: 8553

Zones: 4a to 7b, at least


Height: 6" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

I planted Oenothera 'Shimmer' expecting it to melt away like a cheap popsicle in the desert, but unlike other Midwest/Great Basin evening primroses, this plant is still going strong after three years. Oenothera 'Shimmer' is a hybrid (possibly Oenothera fremontii x Calylophus) discovered by Lauren Springer and Scott Ogden in their Colorado garden. For us, Oenothera 'Shimmer' makes a low 6" tall x 2' wide tight clump of lax stems adorned with very narrow silver-green leaves. The clumps are topped with 3" brilliant yellow, nocturnally-fragrant flowers in late spring and sporadically throughout the summer. A well-drained sunny site is essential for best performance.