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Dentaria diphylla 'American Sweetheart'

American Sweetheart Crinkleroot Toothwort

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Item #: 6458

Zones: 4a to 8b


Height: 6" tall

Culture: Light Shade to Shade

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

(syn: Cardamine diphylla) This cool crucifer is native from Maine south to South Carolina. The winter-green foliage of Dentaria diphylla 'American Sweetheart' is dark olive drab highlighted by silver veins and a dark purple back...certainly the most colorful clone that we have grown. The new growth on Dentaria diphylla emerges in fall and looks good until it goes dormant in June, allowing summer bulbs and perennials to take center stage. Crinkleroot toothwort makes a superb winter-growing perennial groundcover (2' wide in 4 years) that is tolerant of both sandy and clay soils, although a moist woodland soil is preferable. The root of Dentaria diphylla plant is used to treat hysterical nervousness, late periods, and, of course, flatulent colic...a true Renaissance plant.